Monday, February 4, 2008

Exercise any time, any age

I quote from the Slice of Life:

Healthy foods and exercise are essential at any point in our lives, and particularly crucial when we're entering our twilight years. Exercise at least moderately. If nothing else, you could always walk around the neighbourhood. The body breaks down even faster due to lack of use. And don't take my word for it because I'm not a nutritionist, but richly-coloured foods that are high in fibre and low in fat are usually good - salmon, broccoli, nuts, capsicum, fruits. Make your meals visually pleasing as well as tasty!

Somehow, some people has the mentality that when one grows old, one should not exercise because you might break something. That's so wrong. There are many different kind of exercises one can take. Exercising doesn't mean you should always go for high impact sports. Taking the stairs instead of the lift, cycling, brisk walking...

I guess its whether does one wants to make an effort to exercise. Exercising does help in keeping one's body healthy. You get sick less. Exercise when you can...

1 comment:

Rhinestic said...

reduce stress(...), walk walk around, breathe in fresh(?) air...

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