There is an indicator, and it's so minor that I did not notice it until now.
The picture below shows the battery indicator (a lightning bolt icon) when it's charging:

The picture below shows the battery indicator (a plug icon) when it's fully charged:

That is how you tell if the iPhone 3G is fully charged. Darn... I think I'm getting old.
Thanks, it's a simple thing but the exact info is hard to track down.
Is there any kind of app that shows how much life is left in the battery? It seems like there should be one out there someplace.
Unfortunately, no. I have not seen such apps in the AppStore. But that's an interesting idea though.
Mac OS X has native APIs to find the existing voltage of the battery. This has been used by several battery apps (XBattery comes to mind) to find the amount of juice remaining in the Mac notebooks.
If the iPhone's Mac OS X also has the corresponding API layers, then it should be feasible to find the battery juice remaining.
Although iPhone Apps use XCode, I do not recall seeing any API to access the battery indicator.
iPhone could only use a small subset of the XCode. Not all the full capabilities of XCode is available on iPhone, unfortunately. Still, I'll keep an eye out for it if I can.
Thank you! I needed the simplest answer & you gave it to me! Now just waiting for the plug to show up!
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