Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
CPF Changes from 1st Jan 2008
CPF Interest Rates
The interest rate for CPF-OA will be 2.5% + 1% for the first $20,000 and 4% + 1% for CPF-SA and CPF-MA for the balance $40,000. Note that the extra 1% interest will be credited to the Special/Retirement account, and not the respective accounts.
The Special/Medisave/Retirement account (SMRA) interest rate will no longer be pegged to 4%. Instead, it will be pegged to the 10 year Singapore Government Security 12 month yield + 1%. The government will maintain a floor of 4% for 2008 and 2009. Note that without the floor rate guaranteed by the government, the interest rate for the SMRA would be 3.9% (2.9% + 1%).
Medisave Minimum Amount
Minimum amount in CPF-MA will be raised from $11,500 to $14,000.
Housing Withdrawal Limit
CPF Withdrawal Limit for purchase of private/HDB properties will be lowered from 126% to 120% of the valuation limit.
CPF Investment Scheme Ceiling Expense Ratio
Expense Ratios Criterion By Risk Categories (Based on median expense ratios of funds included under CPFIS as at 31 December 2004 | |
Risk Categories | Expense Ratios Criterion (%) |
Higher risk | 1.95 |
Medium to High Risk | 1.75 |
Low to Medium Risk | 1.15 |
Lower Risk | 0.65 |
Note that the sales charge ceiling of 3% was kicked in on 1st July 2007. If anyone realised why some of the funds have reduced their expense ratio, look no further for the reason.
This post I've written some time back is the summary of the changes to CPF. There would be a second phase of CPF changes on April 2008, which will include the CPF-IS changes, and the annuity. However, there seems to be a lack of news on the annuity portion. Will keep a ear out for it.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Know Yourself
Many people look for meaning and joy in the external. They think that they'll be happy when they finally find a partner for life, get that promotion, become famous, become thin, get recognized for their work, or make loads of money.
They structure their lives based on the criteria determined by society. They become so preoccupied with meeting these criteria that they forget to listen to their inner voices, their natural instinct to create the life they deserve.
Being clear about who you are and what you want can be very empowering. The tiny box you used to live in becomes a world full of wondrous possibilities.
Knowing one's inner self is never easy. What we truly want, and what we need can be quite different. To survive in this world, I guess compromises sometimes have to be made. Knowing yourself, and being yourself might be sometimes out of our own control. I hope I can still hold out.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Meaning of Public Service
I’ve got nothing against money. I’d like to have money myself! I’d like to have a house and a garden and dogs and a car and a chauffeur but, look, I’ve got a flat. I’ve got a swimming pool attached to the flat. I’ve not even got a car but I use taxis. I have a dignified way of life without being wealthy.
I don’t see the necessity of owning a Mercedes-Benz and a swimming pool and a couple of mistresses. I think we’ve got our values all wrong.
You know $96,000 a month for a Prime Minister and $60,000 a month for a minister. What the hell do you do with all that money? You can’t eat it! What do you do with it? Your children don’t need all that money.
My children have had the best of education. In fact, I’m very proud of them. One of them is a senior registrar to two major hospitals in Oxford. Another of them is a consultant in European law to the Securities and
Investment Board in the United Kingdom. They’ve had their education. There are no complaints.
I never earned $60,000 a month or $90,000 a month. When I was Chief Minister, I earned $8,000 a month.
Look, what is happening today is we are encouraged to and are becoming worshippers of the Golden Calf.
We have lost sight of the joy and excitement of public service, helping our fellow men. The joy and excitement of seeking and understanding of the joy of the miracle of the living the duty and the grandeur. We have lost taste for heroic action in the service of our people.
We have become good bourgeois seeking comfort, security. It’s like seeking a crystal coffin and being fed by intravenous injections through pipes in the crystal coffin; crystal coffins stuck with certificates of your
pragmatic abilities.
I found this over at this blog. This has been what I've been dead against all this while. You're telling me you must pay market rates to a head of a charity? Then where is the spirit of giving? Without understanding the true mission of the organisation, can you lead it?
Likewise in the government, without the spirit of public service, I would rather the minister leave and go somewhere else if money is all they care about. Pubic service is not like private sector, where the focus is more on profit driven initiatives. The ministers have to remember that Singaporeans are paying them the salaries, not any other people. Do the ministers really know what happens on the ground? For some, I seriously doubt so, seeing some of the comments which can only be made by people who did not feel the ground. They have put themselves too far up, and has lost sight of the ground.
If you do not know how much the ministers are earning, you can refer to this post. Ridiculous!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The City View @ Boon Keng?
If its so, it will have the record of being the most expensive HDB in Singapore! Just imagine. Public housing... That pricing??? What on earth is HDB thinking???
Anyway for those really interested, Hoi Hup's website is here. The advertisement states that you can email them for enquiries.
Monday, December 24, 2007
More Taxis at the taxi stands
The most ridiculous surcharge was the peak hour surcharge. That only proves how detached the upper management (and the government for that matter) is on the traffic situation during peak hours. Based on that xx% surcharge, the meter will just keep jumping and jumping and the price of the fare could easily double in the traffic jam. They believe all Singaporeans got a raise and are all millionaires??
They are only interested in flogging a dead horse, maximizing their investments, and are not willing to think out of the box. Such is life in Singapore. No wonder people want to migrate away...
Inflation is up 4.2%!
These are the Singapore inflation rates since July:
July: 2.6%
August: 2.9%
September: 2.7%
October: 3.6%
November: 4.2%
The average has hit 1.9% so far for the first 11months. That means full year inflation should hit more than 2.1% for 2007. That is more than what I have estimated in my previous post. Revising the estimates again, inflation for 2008 maybe around 3.8%. That's only the average inflation. Judging from the bad harvests and climate change, I see that food inflation might hit more than 5% next year if the world governments do nothing to stop this blatant exploitation of earth's resources.
Stagflation is fast becoming a reality. Boy I hate growing up.
How do I withdraw from the retirement portfolio?
Withdrawing from the portfolio is as easy as just adjusting your asset allocation. Some people advocate equities investing forever. However, there is one crucial point to take note. Equities investing is volatile. Look at the markets for the past few months and you'll see the effects. Going up and down 1000 points is very common for the major markets like HSI and DJIA for the past few months. After the great depression in 1929, the markets stayed down for 10 years. If you're 90% in equities and you retire in 1929, you may find that your retirement funds might not outlast you. Some people might say that the great depression will never happen again, but what happens if it does?
That doesn't mean though that you should be totally out of equities. Books that I have read talk about 20% to 30% in equities. Shifting the allocation is also quite simple. Assuming you have a portfolio of 70% equities, 30% bonds. In general, 5 years before your "retirement", you will start to shift your allocation more towards bonds. Assuming you wish to retire at 55:
Age 51: 60% equities, 40% bonds
Age 52: 50% equities, 50% bonds
Age 53: 40% equities, 60% bonds
Age 54: 30% equities, 70% bonds
Age 55: 20% equities, 80% bonds
Formula for shifting the allocation per year will be something like: (Equities allocation - 20%) / 5 years.
Why 5 years? That's because we'll never know when Mr Market is feeling well or unwell. Therefore, by sticking to the asset allocation and gradually moving towards the retirement asset allocation, we will still be selling high and buying low, and the retirement portfolio will still be growing. When you retire, it doesn't mean that you will withdraw all the money from the portfolio and start spending. It's always best if the retirement portfolio is still generating returns for you as you withdraw from it. In that way, it will last longer and it will have a higher chance of outlasting you.
Still using the example above, you will have 80% of bonds now. The question would be more like can this 80% bonds generate enough income for you to live for the rest of your life. If it does, congratulations. Your retirement will be carefree and you can enjoy life. :)
However if it doesn't, then it gets a little tricky. That means you will have to draw down your retirement portfolio while still keeping to your asset allocation. Still using the example of 20% equities and 80% bonds, you might want to withdraw 5% from equities and 5% from bonds into a money market fund. Note that your asset allocation is still 20% equities, 80% bonds.
After which, you withdraw your retirement income from the money market fund. This is assuming that the 10% you have withdrawn from the portfolio is enough to last you for 6 months. If its too little, or too much, adjust the % withdrawn accordingly. The lesser you withdraw from the retirement portfolio, the longer your retirement portfolio will last. Once the funds in the money market fund is getting low, just withdraw 6 months of income again.
Reason for withdrawing only 6 months of income is that you will want the retirement income to last as long as possible. By withdrawing as little as possible from the retirement portfolio, your portfolio is still able to generate returns for you, thus ensuring that the portfolio will outlast you.
There are of course many other ways of withdrawing from the retirement funds. The above example I feel though is the safest. Once we reach retirement age, I don't think we will want a heart attack whenever the market goes up and down. Simple philosophy in life is that we work to live, not live to work.
This "last post" sort of summarizes most of what I have read about retirement planning. I still do read books every now and then and will add on to this retirement planning topic as and when I read something interesting. Just to clarify again that these posts sort of summarizes everything I have read in the books. Thought that it might be interesting to some people so I "pen it down" here for all to see.
If you have other ideas, feel free to leave a comment. We can always have a healthy discussion. :)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
One Step At A Time
Every one of us has a unique set of talents. Before you deny this, examine more closely the person that you are. What do you love doing? What comes naturally to you? What are the good things that others say about you that you coyly brush off? You may think these things are insignificant, but each one of them can be built upon to make you a happier, more successful, and more fulfilled person. Millions of people have achieved success simply by doing what they do best and sharing it with the world.
Make a list of these strengths. Embellish them with the achievements you've made, the lessons you've learned in life, and the knowledge you've gained. Read the list every day and really meditate on them. Think about how you can build on your key strengths to produce better results.
And you know what? Very often, the road to great success and happiness is simply achieving one small goal at a time. Nothing empowers us more than doing what we said we'd do. If let's say your talent is writing, then promise yourself to write one page a day. It's a small objective, but over time, you would have accumulated a hunk of work and improved on your writing in the process.
One step at a time.
Build on top on what you know.
Most importantly, believe in yourself.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Be Positive
When we adopt a positive outlook, we strive to look for the good in every situation. We try to find the lesson, or at least the fun. We learn to laugh at ourselves, and even in the face of adversity. We recover faster and are back on track sooner. And because we tend to see the good in everything, we also experience more joy. That's why positive persons also tend to be happy persons.
You are what you think. That's why after a lousy day, an exhausting ordeal or after receiving bad news, sometimes all it takes for you to feel a whole lot better is a line from a song, a book or magazine, or a remark by a friend; a phrase that sums up what you're feeling but shows it in a wholly different light.
Being positive does help, and it helps you control the stress level. However, it's really hard to be positive all the time. Sometimes, I just feel like screaming. Oh well... Listen to the Chipmunks Bad Day. Somehow, I feel better after that.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Saw the movie last weekend. I never had such a good laugh for sometime. It gets a little draggy towards the end, but overall, I love the chipmunks and the music, especially the acapella. Bad Day, Only You, Christmas Don't Be Late... I guess I always have a soft spot for acapella.
I did a search on youtube and I managed to find some of my favorite songs in the movie.
Bad day acapella
Bad Day
Only You
Christmas Don't Be Late
Witch Doctor
Hady Mirza is the Asian Idol!
Maybe it's the voting system. They have to vote at least 2 countries per SMS. Hady is known for his soulful singing, at least to me. He also has the charisma, and stage presence. Pity he didn't really dance much during the competition. I like his dancing too. Congratulations Hady. :)
This Asian Idol competition in a way provided me a chance to test out my Dell's battery life too. :p Wow... 4 and a half hours of battery life! I've also updated my Dell's post here.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
US Housing Prices will fall by 47% by 2007
Fast forward to now 2007... Look at the US Housing market now, and all the problems it faces.
Incidentally, Professor Mankiw is the chairman of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisors (as of 2005, publish date of the book). Why we never have such talent in Singapore? This is the kind of talent we need.
Re-evaluate your Priorities
Examine your life schedule and re-evaluate your priorities. What's taking up your time and your energy? Are they productive? Are they improving you in any way? Are they things you enjoy or at least things that make you money or develop relationships? Are there any time and spirit wasters that you feel are your obligations? Be stringent with your evaluations and throw out the tasks that are not benefitting you.
And figure out how you're using your time. True, a day's hours are finite, but if you examine your daily actions, you'll find some things that take up more than their fair share of your time. For example, do you find yourself checking your email several times a day and typing out detailed, carefully-worded essays? Are you sending, re-sending, and forwarding your time
Identify other aspects of your life which may be wasting your time and energy. These are the little leeches sucking the life from you. Get rid of them, and refocus your priorities on things that truly fulfill you.
I guess this is what I do near the end of the year. I do not have New Year resolutions but instead, I do this kind of "house cleaning". This year, I find that it has been especially stressful for me. It's really time for me to re-evaluate what I've been doing for this year, and try to remove/lessen the stress portion.
I work to live, not live to work.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Dell Inspiron 1520
Updated 23 Dec 2007: Laptop Lid
Updated 6 Jan 2008: Dell Drivers Update from Dell Support Website
Updated 30 Apr 2008: Dell Drivers Update from Dell Support Website
After a long internal battle, I finally chose the Dell Inspiron 1520 over the MacBook Pro. Reason is simple... It's much much cheaper. I would still like to play some games so I will also need to get an additional copy of Windows if I get the MacBook Pro. I guess I'm not rich enough... Here's a review of my newest baby. :)
Anyway, these are the specs of my Inspiron 1520:
- Intel Core 2 Duo T7250, 2GHz, 2MB Cache, 800 MHz FSB
- 2GB (2 x 1GB) 667MHz Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM
- 15.4" Widescreen (1280x800) with TrueLife, and Camera (Creative Live-Cam)
- Bluetooth 2.0
- 160GB SATA Hard Drive
- Internal 8X DVD+/-RW Combination Drive with Dual Layer write
- Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT with 256MB GDDR2 memory
- Intel Pro Wireless 3945 Dual Band 802.11a/g
- 8 in 1 Media card reader
- 9-Cell 85Whr Lithium Ion Battery
- Dell Large Nylon Case
- Windows XP Pro (With CDs and drivers)
- Microsoft Works 8.5
Total cost including GST: Less than SGD1,980. I would say I got a pretty good deal during the PC Show period (SITEX). I demanded the Windows XP Pro. :)
I bought it on Sunday from Funan. The laptop was delivered on the following Saturday, 1pm sharp (Delivery time was 9am to 1pm). Not bad. Judging that people had some bad experience with Dell, so far my impression has been quite good, even with the Sales people.
One bad thing though was when it came, it only came with 1 partition. The only way for me to repartition it was to reformat it. Anyway, these are the steps to re-format it:
- Reboot with the Windows XP Pro CD provided (Boot from CD - F12)
- You will see 2 partitions. One is a FAT32 partition. Do not touch this partition. It's for the Dell Media Direct (Watch movies etc without loading Windows)
- Delete the original NTFS partition and create your own partitions. You can only have a maximum of 3 partitions, including the Dell Media Direct partition.
- Install the drivers with the Drivers CD provided. There will be an application launched after putting in the CD. Just install the drivers/applications one by one. Note that by default, they do not show you the Mousepad driver. That driver is useful so better install it. Just search for all and you'll be able to see it.
- Install the WebCam CD if needed (I don't think its really necessary though).
- Install the Dell Media Direct software. You will need to re-install this. Otherwise, your Media Direct software will not work.
- There is also 1 application missing from the original installation, which is the Dell Support Center. You can download it from (Not really necessary). You will need to install .Net Framework 2.0 though.
- Do your Windows patches.
- Update your TS-L632H
D300D400 DVD firmware (Critical), Dell Direct Media, GeForce (Video), Sigmatel (Audio),Wireless drivers, Mouse drivers, and Dell BIOS A07 from Dell's Support Website. - Defrag your harddisk (Took me more than 6hours)
Why did I say the mousepad driver is necessary? Look at the photo below:
Notice the arrow downwards and sidewards at the mousepad? Yes... That's the mouse scrolling area. Basically if you need to scroll down, just move your finger downwards slowly. If you want to see the bottom of the page, just swipe your finger downwards, or vice versa for the top of the page. Same for horizontal scrolling. Cool right? :p
Near the bottom of the laptop, there are also quick switches for your volume.
From the photo, you can also see the Home button near the power button on top. That's the Dell Direct Media button. You press that button instead of the main power button, it will load the Dell Media Direct instead of Windows. Load time is about 10-15 seconds I think. You can watch movies, videos, listen to music, etc. Below is a photo of the Media Direct (You can launch it in normal windows):

Yes I know... It looks like FrontRow. :p
There's also a handy switch on the left hand side of the laptop to disable your wireless (Wifi and Bluetooth), or search for wireless connections. Push it towards the O to disable the wireless, and push it towards the >> (which will bounce back to the | ) to activate the "WiFi catcher".
Basically, from the boot up time to the login prompt, it took about 30 seconds (Latest patches). I would say its quite ok, although my MacBook is faster. :p Oh well... Have to lower my expectations. According to sources, Windows XP SP3 will make the system faster. :D
Another surprising thing about this Dell is that it's surprisingly not so hot. I've actually worked on the Dell for 4 and a half hours on my lap. It was warm, but not uncomfortably hot. This is one advantage over the MacBook. The MacBook is hot! You can never work on your lap with the MacBook.
All in all, I'm quite okay with it. The keyboard is nice to type on, and it's much faster than my Fujistu 900MHz with 256MB RAM. :D Dell now comes with different colors. Mine is Midnight Blue. My girlfriend wanted me to get the green one though. :p
Two things to take note though. The speakers are located at the bottom of the laptop. Weird location, but the sounds seems to be quite good if your table is wooden. :D Another is that the laptop catch does not seem to latch on tightly. When you move around with the laptop, you can sort of feel the lid moving back and forth. Not really a problem for me because I treat this laptop as a desktop replacement.
Now, if only I have time to play games...
Income divide encouraged by government!
I think that the PAP is trying to help the oppositions by giving them more ammunition. They have always been talking about the growing income gap and guess what? Its encouraged by them. At times of inflation of up to 5%, where all basic food necessities prices are rising, they gave themselves a 4% to 21% hike in pay!! So tell me... Who is encouraging the income gap??
The government like to compare themselves to the rest of the world. Why don't they compare the minister salaries?? Look at the table below for salaries of world leaders (Source - Yahoo):
Salaries of World Leaders | |||
Country | Title | Name | Approximate Salary |
Bolivia | President | Evo Morales | $21,600 |
Great Britain | Prime Minister | Gordon Brown | $375,222 |
France | President | Nicolas Sarkozy | $346,000 |
Germany | Chancellor | Angela Merkel | $318,000 |
Ireland | Prime Minister | Bertie Ahern | $434,000 |
Japan | Prime Minister | Shinzo Abe | $248,500 |
Russia | President | Vladimir Putin | $81,000 |
Singapore | Premier | Lee Hsien Loong | $2.05 million |
United States | President | George W. Bush | $400,000 |
United States | Vice President | Dick Cheney | $208,575 |
If the government is serious in addressing the income gap issue, look no further than their own house. I don't mind if you hike the salaries of those civil servants in the bottom rung, but the ministers?? 2million to 3million annual pay??? Instead of using the money to help the lower rung people, they use it to give themselves a raise when they are already the highest paid ministers in the world! Why on earth do we pay our taxes for??
Look at the table below... It speaks for itself. The party is shooting themselves in the foot. Table from theonlinecitizen (Click on the table for a bigger picture).

Even if they wish to retain talent, the ministers should not be going for the job just because of the pay. I hope they remember what happened to T T Durai the other time in NKF. What he did was not right in a charity setting, and he lack the "charity touch". Likewise, if you retain a minister because of the high pay, and not due to the willingness to serve, then the minister is staying for all the wrong reason, and I rather the minister leave.
The reason why they want to be a minister is important! This is standard 101 in any interview. Why do you want to join? Join because of the high pay??? I'm sorry but if I know of such a minister, he/she is not going to get my vote. It's not like the ministers are paid "peanuts".
Thursday, December 13, 2007
3 Basic Steps to Change
- Aware of the need for change
- Ready and willing to change
- Take action
Very often, most of us are stuck in the 1st step. I meet many people in my course of work and one of the problems I have is on change management. Many people cannot take the first step. Trying to persuade them to take the first step is very hard because to many, change is scary. The fear of the unknown.
The trick is to look at it 1 step at a time. That means evaluating the first step initially on its own, without thinking ahead (to the 2nd and 3rd step). Many of us have this habit of thinking ahead. Not good if you're easily scared by the unknown.
Once you accept that the change is needed, only then can you start the ball rolling. Easy to do? Of course not. The first step is always the hardest. In fact, the easiest step is actually the last step. However without change, we would still be living in our kampung days, with ox carts and stuff. :)
4 Basic Steps on the Jorney of Life
Step One - Be prepared to look at yourself and admit that every bruise, every fall is all your doing.
Step Two - Surrender, let go of the idea that you should control every event, and have faith that everything you ask will be given to you.
Step Three - Sit down every day and write. Start a journal and every day record the events of the day, paying attention to your reactions to events, experiences, and people. Classify your reactions for what they were, whether they be anger, jealousy, resentment, joy, love, or self-pity.
By identifying your reaction and classifying it as your reaction to an event, you will come to see why you are acting as you are. Why you would react angrily in a situation that does not require anger; your own feelings and responsibilities.
Step Four - Ask why. "Why do I become angry in that situation?", "What is my deeper hidden feeling about this type of situation?". Start recording your "why's" in a separate book. In this book, record all your experiences and incidents of your past and how you reacted to them.
When things happen and we blame it all on someone else, most probably it will happen again because you deem everyone else is wrong except yourself. It always takes 2 to tango...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Discount Rate Offers to Banks
Finally after 4 months, I hear something that is being done right, which is to address the liquidity problem. This should solve the short term liquidity problems the banks are facing. The sub-prime mess should start to stabalise from now on. However, I still don't like the cutting of the benchmark rate. They should have just cut the discount rate to 4.5%, and announce this term loan auction together, without cutting the rates. This would definitely be what I expect from a "inflation" hawk.
Oh well... Markets should start to normalise just in time for Christmas. However, the sub-prime mess is still not over. The degrade of the risk management of banks is appalling. Looks like I can't even trust banks. Maybe I should just trust my pillow or something.
Inflation hawk does it again!
With this kind of "inflation hawk", I think we're in for a lot of trouble with regards to inflation. I'm still of view that the US now is thinking that if China/Japan does not appreciate their currencies, then they will depreciate theirs. I see the signs there since US started actively pushing China to appreciate their currency.
Now is no more the age of traditional warfare. Wars are now fight economically. In fact, I think I'm seeing an "economic world war" right now. However, I rather an economic world war than a real war.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Walk away
Do you have the power to walk away from potentially-explosive situations? Are you able to postpone defending yourself to another more appropriate time? Can you conserve your cool and avoid saying or doing something you'll regret later?
Because when you care too much about winning in such situations, you lose. You're the one who feels the pressure, you're the one who seems antagonistic and defensive. It will be hard initially, but practice walking away and you'll understand just how powerful it can be in defusing explosive situations and even persuade others to see things your way.I only tried it a few times and its really not easy to do. However, it sure is effective, depending on the person you're facing. This is not recommended in the business settings though. For the personal side, I would say it gives a chance for both sides to "cool" down and think it over logically, with an open mind. Open mind is the keyword.
By not pushing, both sides have time to think. Sometimes, you might get surprising results.
No Service Level for MRTs???
Some of my main complaints:
- You need to have super eyesight in order for you to find out when the next train coming. Furthermore, most of the time it is showing advertisements instead of the time
- Singapore a multi-racial country?? Someone forgot to tell them to the MRTs. I've noticed that they have recently re-recorded their announcements. And guess what? Only English.
- I noticed that everytime when it rains, the MRT becomes very stuffy. Why? I think the train drivers think that since its cold, they can turn down the aircon. What they don't realize is that once you turn down the aircon, there is not enough ventilation. Therefore the whole MRT becomes very stuffy. If its during peak hour, good luck
- Train frequency. Enough said.
They want to know what is first class?? Look no further than HK. First class?? My ....
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Way of thinking
A habit of thinking and acting spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience. This means that you begin every task with a clean slate. Like an actor on stage, your previous scene has already transpired. Whether or not you stumbled on some words or gave it a lacklustre rendition, it's over. Period. You cannot go back and do the scene again. All you can do is give your next scene your best shot. Thinking about your performance in the last scene only preoccupies your mind with something you can't do a thing about and will likely adversely impact your next scene.
The freedom to enjoy each moment, unencumbered by regret or resentment from what's past or fear of what's to come. The past and future are an illusion, as they say. The only "real" moment is Now. If you can't savour the most of it, whatever it is, then you're wasting the moment. And it won't come back. So forget about how you quarreled with your partner last night, how obnoxious you thought he or she was... today, remember that ultimately, you're in love with each other, you have this beautiful new day to enjoy together, so do it.
Do not judge themselves negatively. By "negatively", I mean in a way that is unconstructive and masochistic - that is, consistently saying to yourself "That was a dumb thing to say!" or "That was a stupid thing to do!", "You're so unattractive!" or "You never do anything right!" - you know, making shallow, sweeping statements about yourself without assessing the situation or making a commitment to do better next time. A self-worthy person knows that frequent self-beration gradually breaks down a healthy ego until the brain starts to believe these crippling remarks. The body soon begins to obey what the brain believes in and subconsciously instructs the body to do.
Our brains seem to be hardwired to make ourselves miserable. It takes a conscious effort to try to pull ourselves out of it. We cannot be successful everytime, but we must try.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Asset allocation is the key to stable growth
In general, I would say there are only 4 kinds of asset classes: Cash, Bonds, Equities, and Alternate investments. I've mentioned the few asset classes in my previous post here. There are lots more asset classes some people has come up with, but the reason why I summarize it into these 4 classes is because these 4 classes are not really co-related. That means if equities are down due to a recession or bad market conditions, cash and bonds might rise because most investors are moving towards safer, and less volatile assets.
There are 2 kinds of asset allocation. The macro, and the micro view. Macro view will be the distribution of the 4 asset classes. General rule: The safer your portfolio is, the lesser the returns. For those who can stomach high risks, you can see allocation like 80% equities, 15% bonds, and 5% cash, that might give you 10% per annum compounded. For those who wants to play safe, you can have something like 50% equities, 50% cash, that might give you 5% per annum compounded. It all depends on how much risk you're willing to take.
As we all know, the devil is always in the details. For micro view, it will be more complicated. There are mainly 3 types of asset allocation for the micro view for equities and bonds:
- By Country
- By Sectors (Not really applicable for bonds)
- Combination of the above
Combination is by far the most complicated where you set target allocation on the sector itself, and within that you'll sub-divide it to countries, or vice versa.
Sector allocation is to sub-divide your investments according to the business type. For example, if you have 80% equities, you might sub-divide it like 20% consumer goods, 20% conglomerates, 30% finance, 20% manufacturing, 10% REITs. Most often though, the costs will be high because indexing is usually by country, and not by sectors. However, people has argued that sector allocation is the safest way because different sectors co-relate different due to the different business nature. As you can see, I have put REITs under equities allocation. I do not agree with the books that I should put REITs as a separate class by itself because it is just in essence, a risky Fixed Deposit that gives higher payouts. REITs prices also goes up and down together with the market. Payouts will also depend on the economy, which is in a way related to the market.
Country allocation is by far the most popular. For countries, there are also different methods to go about in it. For example, some like to first sub-divide it into local market, emerging market, and foreign market. So you might get an allocation that is 40% local, 20% emerging, and 40% foreign. After which, you further sub-divide it again to the individual countries. So with 40% foreign market, you might like to divide it into 50% US, 50% Europe, for example. Within that 50% US, there might be big cap companies, mid-cap companies, small-cap companies and REITs. Indexing is the most preferred way for asset allocation by countries.
For Cash allocation, it's more straight forward. There are only a few types. Treasury Bills/Bonds (T-Bills/T-Bonds), Money Market Funds, and Fixed Deposits. Usually, you would like to make sure that your cash allocation is liquid, and which you can draw in short notice. Cash allocation is important because for investments, it's always looking at it for the long term (10,20,30 years). Investors usually try their best not to draw on the portfolio before the compound interest can do its magic. Therefore, the only place where they can draw their cash is from this cash allocation. Some for example might put their 6 months emergency cash in money market funds withdrawable in a few days, and the rest in money market funds and T-Bills.
There is not hard and fast rule for alternate investments, because they are varied, and can range from wine investment, to property investment. I introduced a new entry to it, called job investment. :D
Some might ask... What's all the point for putting a fixed % in all these asset allocation? This is because of the popular quote: "Buy low, Sell High". Let's say your allocation is 50% Singapore, 50% US. US allocation suddenly tanked to 40% due to the subprime crisis, so the allocation became 60% Singapore, 40% US. By shifting 10% of Singapore back to US, you're in essence selling high (Singapore), and buying low (US). That's the whole idea of asset allocation. It tries to bring the emotion out of investing.
For asset allocation, its not recommended to keep monitoring it. Some do it maybe once or twice a year. Furthermore, they do not immediately re-allocate the allocation. For the same example above, let's say the allocation has changed to 55% Singapore, 45% US during your half-yearly review. If your variance buffer is 5%, you will do nothing. Only if it varies for more than 5%, then you will start re-adjusting your allocation. Some though, like to re-allocate whenever something happens to the global economy. It all depends on preference. The point of not looking at it often, is to keep costs low. It's no use getting 10% per annum, but 5% of it will be for expense. It'll be alot of work for nothing.
It's recommended to do a big change to your asset allocation as you grow older. Reason is that as you become older, your risk profile will change. You will have a family, commitments, and wish to leave the rat race. Therefore, some people might gradually shift their allocation. Some might shift from 80% equities, 20% bonds, to maybe 20% equities, 80% cash after maybe hitting 50 years old. Equities are quite volatile and you would not like to retire when the economy is going towards a recession, with 80% equities.
There are lots of books on asset allocation. If you're looking for more details, it'll be best to borrow or buy these books. I'm basically just summarizing what I have read for future reference. :) My "last" post on this retirement planning series will be on how to withdraw from your retirement portfolio. This will in a way relate to asset allocation.
I just hope I have the time to write it. :)
Will the inflation hawk do a NATO again??
If he is truly an inflation hawk, then interest rates should stay for the market, and for Earth to have a breather. There is already a severe strain in the limited resources we have and many of the infrastructure to cater for this demand is not yet ready, especially for food and energy. Lowering interest rates again will spark a hike in demand for this already strained resources.
It will come a time where 2010 is where the great stagflation will take place, which will affect every single economy. I really hope that this is not the case. I hope that there's only a cut of 50 basis point for the discount rate, with no change to the main benchmark rate.
Sometimes, good policies need not necessarily be popular ones.
Pre CPF Annuity Report Update
- Return of "capital" if your payments do not exceed the amount that you have put in
- Flexible starting of withdrawal age to start from 65 years old.
I would say cost aside, that these changes are quite positive and would work with the general public. However, I feel that feedback from the ground should have been considered first before making such an announcement. There will not be such negativity if all the reactions from the common people has been taken into account.
Anyway, based on this new information, I would guess that the annuity would be based on something like the Medishield. Most probably there would be 3 plans:
- 85 years old withdrawal age, with return of capital.
- 75 years old withdrawal age, with return of capital.
- 65 years old withdrawal age, with return of capital.
Plan 3 will cost more than Plan 2, which will cost more than Plan 1. Payout will be the same across the 3 plans. That's just roughly what I think would happen, to keep things simple.
This is all just a prediction. The full details are not out yet, but I think the purpose for telling us this information is for them to feel the ground. Most probably the details will come out before the new year.
For now, I will not update my CPF changes summary here since nothing has been cast in stone.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Again it happens!!
This is getting irritating. Why don't people just clarify first before jumping into conclusions based on assumptions??!?!?!?
Regulator and Regulated. Singapore has plenty!
Sure... They can say that they have a separate board, with someone to check them. Looking at it from another point of view, can you let a CEO of a public listed company sit in the renumeration committee?? Just by this existence of a regulator in a regulated company, there's already a conflict of interest, and it should not be there. Even our stock market is not spared. SGX is both a regulator, and being regulated...
Transparency?? Yeah right...
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
10 ways to make better decisions
- Don't fear the consequences
- Go with your gut
- Consider your emotions
- Play the devil's advocate
- Keep your eye on the ball
- Beware of social pressure
- Look at it another way
- Don't cry over split milk
- Limit your options
- Have someone else choose
For the details, I suggest you buy the magazine. I'm a regular reader. :) They have many interesting articles for this December 2007, one of which is on how are we affected by noise pollution in our everyday life.
Anyway, these 10 ways I feel are determined by looking at the psychological standpoint. We're always second guessing ourselves and doing stupid things because we think this might happen, etc. I guess sometimes we have to take a step back and just think about it, and sometimes we just have to just jump right in.
Like what some Singaporeans like to do.... Cheeoooooooonnnnnggggggg ah!!!!!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Why is there no Oracle for Intel Mac?!?!?
I really wonder if the Mac base is really so small such that it's not worth it to fix a version for it. I thought since its the Darwin core, which is UNIX base, pushing out a version for the Mac Intel should be a piece of cake.
Oh well... Looks like I have to keep recommending Postgresql now for Mac.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Free Backup utility in XP
However, I understand that for Windows XP Home, it will not be installed by default. It will be in the XP Home CD though. You'll have to search for it. I think that there is a ntbackup.msi in the CD.
Basically, this utility is called ntbackup. It helps you backup your information directly to a file, or to a recordable CD/DVD. You are also able to do scheduling of backup jobs, if needed. This has the bare basics of backup, which I think is sufficient for a normal user.
To run the application, do the following:
- Goto Start > Run
- Type: ntbackup
That's all to it. If you feel adventurous, use the Advanced mode. Otherwise, just follow the wizard.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Embrace Changes with your eyes wide open
The mind is like a child. Its intelligence will always include some primal remnants that equate change to death, discomfort to death, and discipline to death. It must be trained and given guidance by a loving but firm spirit in order to fulfill its true purpose.
For our greater good, we have to let the spirit control the mind. Every week, try adopting one life-enhancing practice consistently. You'll find that when the spirit takes control in these instances that the mind will protest - it will try to persuade you that it's too difficult, that it's better to have things status quo, that you need your fixes to soothe the frustrations of life.
Change is something that most of us is resistant to. It's quite seldom that you see people embracing change readily. However, not all changes are good. Although its good to embrace change, embrace it with your eyes wide open. Not all changes are for the better. I guess that's the reason why people are so afraid of changes.
But still... No change, no innovation. Without change, I won't even be writing in this blog. :D
Domestic consumption is the key
We have the big US and Europe companies complaining about China not buying more goods from their respective countries. First of all, have they look at their respective practices before they made the claim that China is intentionally keeping their currencies low?
The big MNCs are setting up factories in China because of only one reason... It's cheap. The labour cost is much cheaper than setting it up in their domestic countries. However, it seems that the people in China that are hired by these big MNCs are paid the China market rate, which barely covers inflation in China. If these people are paid minimally, how on earth can they afford the goods imported from Europe and USA?
The CEOs and upper management of these big MNCs will then reap big bonuses and salary hikes for the perceived better operational performance. They will in turn use these bonuses to buy more imported goods, which comes mostly from where? China.
On the other hand, the workers in China will still toil for these big MNCs, with no such salary hikes and bonuses. I have not read any news where MNCs give big bonuses to the lower rung of the hierarchy. These china workers will just worry about their day to day living, and would not even dream of buying US and Europe goods.
Now from this viewpoint, who is at fault now for causing the trade imbalance? I won't say China is not at fault for causing part of the problem due to the export tariffs, but they have gradually eliminated most of it. China imports have grown, but not as much as China exports. I could only see one conclusion from this, which is that the China workers are not paid well enough to afford US and Europe goods.
I understand that the whole point of outsourcing is to lower costs, but one must always look at the bigger picture. You treat the workers well, share the profits, and in a way, the profit will come back to you. This will increase domestic consumption, and it will lead to a virtuous cycle.
This problem in a way also applies to Singapore. I do not need to mention who is the biggest consumer of services here. However, look at the tender bid amounts for projects and you know that they are cutting corners. They cut corners with the domestic businesses, thereby boosting their own bottom line. After that, they complain that Singaporeans are not spending enough to raise domestic consumption. This is .... .... If they stop giving big bonuses to their upper management and start to give more to the lower rung, and they are willing to pay for quality work, then we won't have this domestic consumption problem. It's not that we do not want to spend, its because we could not afford to at all! It doesn't help that those "people up there" seems to be very detached from what's happening at the ground level. Yet, they said that they cannot figure out why is there an income disparity! Come on man.... It's obvious why!
This blaming game reminds me of the previous conversation I had with someone in Jakarta, which I have posted here. Sadly that's the way of life, where almost everyone only thinks for themselves. With these kind of mentality, there will be no more innovations for the next decade.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Why the Feds are bailing out the banks again?!?!?!
Logically, when someone wants to borrow money, but know that the rates will go lower and lower every month, will this person wait for until the rates hit the trough? Of course this person will if possible!!! The feds are actually encouraging these people to wait by refusing to stabilize the benchmark rates. Everyone is waiting for the rates to be stable before lending or loaning. Of course there is a liquidity problem.
Furthermore, now we have a liquidity problem because of the sub-prime crisis. Meaning, people want to loan, but no one is willing to loan them the money. Therefore, lowering the rates would have no effect on the current situation. In fact, lowering the rates will just worsen the liquidity crisis. The only effect it has is to push down the USD further, and fueling the inflation upwards again!! After this, countries would seriously think of replacing the USD with the Euro. USD would lose its place as a reserve currency, and it would go on a downward spiral. Without its status as a reserve currency, I want to see how they are going to dig themselves out of the debt cycle. This crash would even be bigger than the great depression.
At least oil did not hit USD100 this month. However, it did hit USD99 last week. If US cuts benchmark rates again, you can be assured that rate cut plus cold winter equals ... ... ... Rest assured that not only oil will be affected. Suddenly, I think that barter trade is much better than all the paper money flying around.
I really hope that I'm wrong, for the sake of everyone.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Perception is a way of grasping and making sense of the "realities" around us. Perception links a meaning to what you take in with your senses that allows you to have the experience in your nervous system. Because perception is based on interpretation we can change it.
A change in perception is what turns the half empty glass into a half full glass. Perception explains how two people can have exactly the same experience and one commits suicide while the other becomes an inspiration for generations to come. Whatever you perceive is going to be true for you, regardless of what you see. Change your beliefs, change your perceptions, and you can change your life.Always look at both sides of the story. After which, evaluate with an open mind. Glass should always be half full. :)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Anger Management II
When we react impulsively, we're not fully conscious of what we're doing. We're not thinking about whether our outburst is justified. We're not thinking of the many other options we have to deal with the situation besides getting angry. But if we can consciously examine the situation, we'll find plenty of ways to handle the spat amicably.
It's sometimes too hard... I think I need a break. Or am I falling sick?
I feel like screaming... I think I better do something soothing before I go bonkers.
I'm burning out!!!!!!!!!
Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh... I'm burning out!!!!!!
I don't know how long I can take this.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Risk and Return
The higher risk you take, the more rewards that you should get (not will). This is the basis of investment. Most of us like to put our savings in our bank savings account, or Fixed Deposits (FDs). The reason is because it is quite safe. We're almost guaranteed to get back our money, plus the interest. Therefore, since the risk is low, we get obscenely low returns like 0.25% and 1.2% (Artificially low in my opinion).
However, if you want higher returns, the first question you need to ask yourself is are you willing to take the risk that you might lose money in the short run, but get your returns in the long run? That means staying put even though you might lose 20% of your investment, with the strong belief that everything will be right in 20 years time.
If you cannot bear losing that amount, then I would suggest that you should continue parking your money in FDs, saving accounts, and Treasury bills (T-Bills). Safest in Singapore. More likely you can only invest in one other option. Your job. Invest in it well, and you'll be paid better (hopefully).
If you think that you can stomach the 20% loss (Be truthful), then I would believe you're suited for investments in the different asset classes I mentioned in the previous post.
Why would people actually take such risks if you could lose 20% or more of your investment?
Main reason is because of the fundamental belief that over the long run, the market will be always a line that is sloping upwards. It will have some volatility but over 20-30 years, it will smoothen out, and the end result is that you will get your returns. Just imagine what Singapore was like in 1965, and now in 2007. 42 years and we've grown so much. That's the basis of this belief.
However, even though you could lose 20%, that doesn't mean that you have to. That is diversification, as mentioned in my previous post. Take a right balance of asset classes, with the risky assets and the safer assets. In the end, your returns are lower (still higher than FDs), due to lower risk, but your retirement portfolio will be growing steadily. This group of people most probably will be looking at the sharpe ratio more. In general, the higher the sharpe ratio, the better the risk adjusted returns you will have.
Some people likewise practice Focus Investing, which is the opposite of diversifcation. The basis is you focus your investments on the companies that you think will give the most returns, and invest in it big time. The most famous of them all is Warren Buffett. Coca Cola? MacDonald anyone? This relies on you making the right "bet", and getting it right. However, we usually only know about the winners, but not the losers. Focus investing is very risky because you stand the chance of losing everything. This group of investors focus alot on the alpha and beta of the company, especially on high alpha companies. In general, beta means the level of influence that the market has on the company. Alpha means the movement that is independent of the market. This is also known as systematic and non-systematic risks.
This post is not really about saying what's the risks vs returns graph, alpha and beta, or sharpe ratio. You notice that I've mentioned quite a few terms, but giving only a brief summary. Reason is that there are many books or websites out there that focuses on these definitions. I think they would do a better job than me explaining it in my small little post. This post is more about understanding the concept that there's no free lunch. If someone is giving you a high return, you're taking a higher risk.
There's also a misconception that index funds, or ETFs are very low risk investments and you can plonk your whole fortune in it. That's in-correct. Let's say you have invested in the Singapore Index when it's at a high of 3800. Now the index is at 3300. How much would you have lost?
Asset Allocation is what matters in index investing, and that's what keeping the risk low for index investing. I'll be talking about it in my next retirement planning series.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Why must charity heads be paid market rate??!?!?
If the CEO does not understand the concept of charity, how can he lead the charity? Charity relies on mostly donations to sustain its operations. Charity by itself means giving to the needy. By paying market rate, why are we giving to the CEO instead of the needy? That goes totally against the concept of charity. You're taking the much needed funds to the CEO instead of the charity work that the charity provides. Many of the charities are also volunteer driven. So you're saying that the operations people can be volunteers and not paid, but the CEO is paid market rate??? Why the distinction between the CEO and the operations people??
Furthermore, the fiasco at NKF shows that a profit-driven CEO in a charity is a major disaster in public relations. Profit-driven ways of getting funds might work in the private sector, but it should not be done in the charity sector. It goes against the spirit of charity.
The more I read the news, the more I feel the government is VERY out of touch with the ground, and looks too much at the $$$. Furthermore, the perception that they give is that they want the private sector to do it, and they do not want a hand in this. Then I ask this question. Why are we paying taxes?? So that the government can get a raise anytime they want?? Or are they suppose to do something for the people??
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Terminal 3 is stuffy!
Their basement consists of many shops. Saw Candy Empire there, and Ya Kun.
Above that is the Arrival hall. Typical airport layout. I don't really remember much about it though.
It's the Departure hall above that is different from other airports. Can you identify the picture below?
You can see this "contraption" everywhere. This is actually the air-con vent. Innovative deisgn. However, there is a problem with this. I'll explain later. Now, this is the picture of the ceiling.
See the problem? The design of the roof is such that the sunlight is filtered down through these strange reflectors. However, the aircon vents are all near the ground level (There are 2 more levels above the departure hall). The result is a stuffy departure terminal. All the hot air is trapped above, and I'm not sure how effective the air-con will be if the vents are all near the ground level.
There are also a lot of live plants around the whole terminal. I really hope that the plants have sufficient sunlight or artificial light because if they don't, we're going to suffer from carbon dioxide overdose.
The 2 levels above the departure hall consists of mainly shops. If I understand correctly, Kopitiam will be operating the food court above the departure hall. I've also seen Harris, and Harry's there. Burger King and Dian Xiao Er too. Yes... You heard me correctly. Dian Xiao Er.
Inside the departure hall though, is different. The moment I went in, I felt that it's much cooler than outside. Maybe because the air-con vents are finally situated at the top. There are many shops inside, which includes Charles & Keith, Sony Gallery, and even an official FIFA shop. They also have a small butterfly kingdom inside. Weird, but true. Terminal 3 is also connected to the other terminals by the sky train, whether you have checked-in, or not checked-in, so its not a problem going to the different terminals. There's still a lot of construction though.
Here's a couple of photos within the departure hall, and arrival hall:
Due to the number of mirrors used in the Terminal 3 architecture, it looks very big. In fact, I think its as big as 63 football fields. However, with all the mirrors, it looks even bigger.
One thing I don't like is that the departure hall is quite stuffy. Other than that, I would say that Terminal 3 seems to be designed for shopping. I see shops everywhere! Inside, outside, basement... It might be because they are catering it to the hotel to be built near the airport.
Frankly, if they have used solar panels instead of reflectors on the top, Terminal 3 would truly be eco-friendly. I thought they would have done something out of the box. After looking at it, I do not see anything that is very out of the ordinary. In fact, to me, it looks like Terminal 3 is a very big greenhouse. Oh well...
Official opening is 9 January 2008.
Strengthening the currency is not a cure-all solution
Strengthening the Singapore currency will result in an increase of expenses for all the MNCs which set up headquarters or branches here. No matter how strategically located we are, MNCs always think with their wallets, and that is especially true for listed MNCs (actually its true for all bosses). With increase of expenses, more will start to shift to lower cost countries. That would mean Hong Kong.
Inflation in my opinion, could only be mitigated by free market competition, which is what we do NOT have here. Recently, Hong Kong's MRT has reduced fares because of a merger. In Singapore, we will never have a free market competition because our "first world" government has created a big conflict of interest, Temasek.
Will any sane organization invest in a company, and vote that it should reduce fees/prices?? Temasek has a stake in DBS, SMRT and CapitalLand. So do you expect DBS to start giving us 5% savings rate or SMRT reducing fares? Or Plaza Singapura (own by CapitalLand) to start reducing rentals?? The papers have highlighted the plight of so many residential and commercial property owners on the sky-high increase of property prices here. What is the government reply? They will monitor. Monitor what?!??!? The evidence is already there that we have a shortage of residential and commercial space. Or are they monitoring Temasek?
There is a very strong conflict of interest between the welfare of the general public, and Temasek. The government is giving the perception, at least to me, that they are thinking on the $ sign, and not on the needs of the public. Market competition is designed such that the strongest will prevail. The Singapore government instead, promotes monopoly of services because they claimed that Singapore is too small.
Look at our public transport system. It's dominated by 2 big transport groups. Comfort Delgro, and SMRT. Look at the hot property market. Heard of CapitalLand? Keppel Land? Look at the Telecommunications. Singtel anyone? Look at the media. Mediacorp? SPH? Look at infrastructure. Keppel? Sembawang? Temasek has a stake in all these companies.
I am not suggesting that Temasek should divest off all these investments, but since Temasek belongs to the Singapore government, which indirectly uses Singaporeans' money to invest, something should be given back to the Singaporeans by law on a regular basis (based on a formula), like the Singapore shares given previously every year (discountinued ?!?!?!??).
With this amount of money given back to Singaporeans (must be tax free), it will increase our income and hopefully mitigate the rise of cost of living. This coupled with imports from other countries for our needs, more energy efficient usage, should keep inflation under control.
Sometimes I wonder why the perception that the government gives is to continuously keep flogging a dead horse.
Did you say the word "invest"?
To build up your retirement portfolio, I don't think we can run away from investing. Some people might say... I have already invested in fixed deposits (FD). It's not technically wrong, but you'll take a long time to build up your retirement just by using FDs. Let me give an example of someone investing $10,000 in FD returning 1% compounded, and in a balanced portfolio returning 5% compounded for 20 years:
FD (1%): $12,201.90
Balanced portfolio (5%): $26,532.98
See the difference? It's more than double. Now with Singapore's inflation getting higher and higher, our miserable FD rates will not even be sufficient enough to even overcome inflation. However, not everything is about returns. You must be able to first take the risk that comes with it.
I will just briefly introduce you to the 4 common asset classes for investing.
This is not the money you keep under the pillow, or in the bank's miserable 0.25% p.a. savings account. This usually represents the FDs, Treasury Bills (T-Bills), and the money market funds.
Basically, this means stocks, unit trusts, index funds, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). What are stocks? Basically, it just means that a company allows the public to invest in the company, with the public hoping that it will become the next Apple, or Sony. The company will issue shares which the public can buy from an exchange. In Singapore, its the SinGapore eXchange (SGX). In the SGX, you can find financial reports, and announcements with regards to the company. This is considered very high risk because there is no capital guarantee, and you might not have any returns for some time.
Unit trusts usually invests in a basket of companies (There are some that invest in other investments). Therefore, when an investor buys into a unit trust, they are buying into a basket
of companies, thereby diversifying their risks of the companies going bankrupt. The unit trusts are also available to the public for subscription.
Index funds usually buy into all the companies that are in the index. Giving an example, whenever you hear someone in Singapore say that the market is good/bad, they are usually referring to the Straits Times Index (STI). The index contains a number of companies like Singtel, DBS, OCBC, etc. So if an index fund buys into the STI index, the index fund will own all the companies within the index. The index fund will rise and fall together with the index, minus the fund expenses. The risk is lower than unit trust because very seldom will the whole index collapse. The index usually consists of companies that are the one of the biggest, and influential in the country. It is unlikely, although possible, that all the companies in the index will go bankrupt. Therefore, this risk is one of the lowest among equities.
Exchange Traded Funds are similar to Index funds. The only exception is that they are listed in the exchange (e.g. SGX), and you're able to buy them like stocks.
It just means that you're lending money to a person. Whenever you invest in a bond, you're allowing your money to be lent to another company/orgainization. It's actually similar to FDs, just that its much bigger.
There are many types of bonds like government bonds, company bonds, and the mortgage backed bonds. These bonds can be termed investment grade (meaning it is relatively safe), or junk (meaning it is risky). The current sub-prime crisis in the United States (US) originates from junk mortgage backed bonds.
The bond might give you interest regularly like your FDs, or it can be a zero-coupon bond, meaning that you receive no interest. Instead, you'll get a discount when you buy the bond, and you'll get back the "original price" when the bond matures. Our Treasury Bills (T-Bills) are zero-coupon.
For bonds, it is less risky than equities, but there is still risk. A bond can also run into a risk of default (company go bankrupt), or the risk that the bond interest does not cover inflation.
Alternate Investments:
This covers a wide range of investment products, like gold, silver, wine and property.
Usually, people will choose a mix of investments of the above asset classes so as to diversify their risks. If there is no overweight of any asset class and it covers many asset classes, it is sometimes known as a balanced portfolio. Balance the risks out and you'll find that the returns are relatively safe, compared to the risks involved.
If you wish to read up on more, there are many books in our easily accessible libraries. I've only covered the very basics here. It is always better to know about this, even if you have someone managing your portfolio for you. It's better to be informed.
Next on my retirement series, I will talk about Risk and Returns.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
CPI basket
Saw that they published the Singapore CPI basket so I thought I would leave a note here. This is based on the 2002/2003 housing expenditure will be updated every 5 years. Hmm... That means it should be updated soon.
Housing: 21%
Transport: 17%
Recreation & Others: 17%
Cooked Food: 13%
Non-cooked Food: 10%
Education & Stationary: 8%
Communication: 5%
Health Care: 5%
Clothing & Footwear: 4%
Looking at the CPI basket, inflation for the coming November and December might really hit about 3.6% to as much as 4%. Food inflation is evident across many countries, and all the mad cow, bird flu diseases doesn't help. Price of oil affects more than 2/3 of the CPI basket.
Without going into details, based on this broad category, inflation for this year should be around 2% to 2.1%. Next year will be interesting. Average inflation will should hit at least 3.2% based on the current sky high prices, and other countries refusal to reign in their over-growing economies.
Regardless of the inflation rate for both this year, or next year, you can see that our savings rate of 0.25% p.a. means that we're losing money every day due to high inflation eroding our savings.
Some economists say that wage inflation will help in mitigating the rise of cost. What wage inflation??? They assume everyone is having a raise just because finance, and O&G sector is booming?? Every company is finding ways and means to cut cost. What wage inflation?? More like wage deflation soon.
Anyway, seems like the CPI basket might be reviewed soon. I'll see if there is any news about it.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Inflation is up 3.6%!
July: 2.6%
August: 2.9%
September: 2.7%
October: 3.6%
Why September inflation is lesser? I dare say it's because of the hungry ghost's festival. That means average inflation should hit above or at 2% this year. This is despite a very low inflation figure for the first 7 months! What happens if you calculate inflation from July onwards?? I leave it to you to do the calculation.
The news said that the average inflation is 1.6% for the first 10 months. I believe that they round down. It's closer to 1.7% than 1.6%!
Inflation is going to be worse come 1st half of 2008. China and India are still consuming resources at a very rapid pace. Next area where economic expansion will become more rapid will be Middle East (Dubai, Qatar), and Africa.
Whoever said that inflation here will be average 1.5% this year is definitely slacking, and didn't do the ground work at all! Of course the most common excuse is that market is dynamic, etc etc. That's a very very bad excuse. The signs are all there for a high inflation. All you need is to take an effort to understand what's happening, and not relying on just only the numbers. It's high time the government start feeling what's like on the ground. Take the public transport like we do, go to the places we go to, and get the salary like we do.
Even in China, they released guidelines for officials to use the public transport. Over here?? We have people heading the public transport who doesn't even take the public transport on a regular basis. In fact, look at the number of cars the civil servants own. When ERP rates raise, the government got a subsidy by giving themselves a raise.
Will prices still continue rising? For some reason, I believe the prices will continue rising all the way to Bejing Olympics 2008. In fact, I'm beginning to worry that there are hints of a stagflation. This is not good at all.