Now I know its just an area in the southern part of San Francisco Bay Area, and also encompasses the northen part of Santa Clara valley. In Singapore terms, it's something like Science Park, but on a much bigger scale.
Anyway, we sort of visited some campuses of the big names in the technological industry. Ok, we did not really now that it was private property until we got chased off by a security guard in Google. We seriously did not see a private property sign, and we were only at the outer rim of the campus.
What intrigues me though is the architecture of the campus... Some say the design of a home defines your character. I would say its the same for companies.

Looking at a section of the visitor centre at Google campus, I could see the open concept architecture of Google. Based on the this, I could sort of imagine people coming in in jeans, t-shirts, holding laptops, and typing away in an afresco setting. :D The architecture is also unique, which I think defines the Google concept of always trying something new.

The Oracle campus really shows its roots. All the buildings are shaped like a data storage icon, which shows in their database products. You could see the Oracle HQ from the freeway, and I think you will straight away recognise it from afar. :)

I was there for the WWDC so obviously, I think we have to try to visit the Apple campus. :) However, as usual, we only got as far as the visitor centre. The only difference is that there's an Apple store outside the visitor centre.
The difference between this Apple store and the other Apple stores scattered around, is that there are alot of Apple souveniers being sold in the store. Apple T-Shirts, bags, mugs, pens, etc... If you're looking more for iPod casings, skins, etc..., I think I found more products in the Apple Store at Stanford Shopping mall. :) This was also the place where I bumped into Ruofei... again. I kept bumping into him in WWDC. :p
I like the names of their roads though. Infinite loop. And for your information, its really a loop. :D
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