Friday, November 18, 2011

Resurrection of Channel I

Maybe it's me but I find it super irritating to see regular programme shows to be disrupted by the respective games, be it Olympics or SEA games, or FIFA. No offense but sometimes, I rather watch my regular programme than to see some football game.

If we're serious in promoting sports in Singapore, then either we have our own sports channel or we resurrect Channel I. If we resurrect Channel I, they can follow the format of Channel 8 and Channel U. More local programmes at channel 5 and others at channel I. So in the event we have football, Olympics, or even Barclays open, they can plan it in Channel I as it is well known when are the major sports events held.

Please... Some of us are seriously not interested in seeing 22 guys chasing after 1 ball live. How would you feel if someone keep interrupting you with a live event of the full parliamentary sitting (no offense)?

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