Monday, November 21, 2011

Ingenious but yet disheatening

I was visiting a friend over the weekend where I saw something that was ingenious, but yet disheartening to see in Singapore. I saw an old lady on a wheelchair being pushed by someone who is slightly younger across the traffic lights. Nothing new but it was what happened after that was interesting. The old lady stood up and started walking and pushing the wheelchair slowly, but surely.

Now why do you think the old lady did that? I thought for a while and it came to me. The traffic lights changed too fast so the old lady got ingenious and instead used a wheelchair to get across. However, the old lady refused to sit in the wheelchair longer than necessary. The ingenuity struck me, but yet it's a little disheartening.
  • Disheartening that an old lady has to rely on a wheelchair to cross the road safely.
  • Disheartening that those who are left behind can only rely on themselves to see themselves through.
  • Disheartening that Singapore is leaving behind those that have fought for it, and leaving them to fend for themselves.

Disheartening isn't it?

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