Friday, August 23, 2013

Be truthful

I quote from  Marcus Valerius Martial:
Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst.

This quote reminds me that every day of my life, I should always be truthful in whatever I do because if you start to conceal from your friends, colleagues or loved ones and they found out, they will think of all the wrong reasons why you're doing it and may not know your true intention, not to forget that you will also have to watch yourself from "giving away" the game.

Bottom line, be truthful.


Anonymous said...

Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst.

Like discontinuing the coroner's inquiry into the death of Dinesh may be seen by some as an attempt to hide some flaw or perhaps even to protect some mortal too high to be sullied, in case the shit hits the ceiling.

chantc said...

I did read the news and judging from what I understand from the posture, this situation is probable.

Anyway, they have already reviewed the process and improved upon it. There's no such thing as something coming out perfect the first time. Those who do product development will know that fact. Even the first iPhone wasn't popular. Only the 3rd generation of iPhone took the world by storm.

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