Monday, April 23, 2012

Idea of iPhone Gloves is not new

Recently, there was a news coverage on a group of teenagers creating gloves that will work on the iPhone. The funny thing is that I remember reading somewhere about it long time ago and the idea is definitely not new. My wife recently reminded me where I saw it. It's at MakeZinc! Apparently, Becky has posted a way to make this way back in end 2009! You can refer to her post here. It's not rocket science. It's just conductive threads.

I'm not sure if the students have seen this video but the impression I had when I watched the news was that it's something new, which is definitely not true. More research should have been done to check if this was something that was done previously. Becky has recently made a video last November showing how to sew the conductive threads onto your gloves. You can check out her video below on how to make it.

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