Friday, August 19, 2011

Hong Kong's Wisdom Path

The Wisdom Path is actually a place near the Tian Tan Buddha in Hong Kong, consisting of thirty-eight timber columns with inscription of the Heart Sutra that have been arranged to correspond to the topography of the landscape, and in a figure-of-eight configuration (i.e. the symbol of infinty "∞") symbolising infinity. The column located at the highest point of the hill is left blank to suggest the concept of "emptiness" (Sunyata), a key theme in the Heart Sutra.

You will see some road signs directing you to the Wisdom path once you reach the Tian Tan Buddha. The walk is about 15mins, depending on how distracted you are while walking along the path. :) Below is a picture of one of signs that you'll come across. Just follow the arrow. :)

Well if you're a map person, below is a picture of the map of the area.

Follow the path and you'll reach an advertisement for Vitasoy. Sorry, I mean the entrance to the Wisdom Path, as shown in the picture below. Just walk on the path to the right side.

Along the way, you'll find small signs like the picture below to direct you to the Wisdom Path. Don't worry, you'll not get lost.

Now, this is the reason why you may be distracted. Very cute scarecrows!! Just take a look at the picture below. :)

Finally, the Heart Sutra. It's really an amazing place where the tranquility of the natural environment matches the calligraphy inscribed on the thirty-eight pieces of timber in a figure eight formation. That is if the tourists there are not too noisy,

If you wish to take a short hike, the Wisdom Path also branches off to another area where you can hike up Lantau Peak. Below is a picture of the entrance to the hike if I recall correctly.

The scenery is quite nice around the Wisdom Path. Take your time there and try not to look up too long. You may get dizzy.

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