Monday, March 21, 2011

Background Radiation in Perspective

With all the big hoo ha about background radiation in Tokyo, I think it is time to put things back into perspective. As of 19 Mar, the background radiation for Tokyo was 0.025 microsieverts per hour. It was 0.047 a few days back.

Putting this back to perspective:
  • Singapore's normal background radiation is 0.08 to 0.1 microsieverts / hour
  • Standard chest x-ray is at least 100 microsieverts.

Stop scaring yourselves.


Anonymous said...

Where did you get your readings for Tokyo from?
According to Metropolis Japan
The levels are some 10x more than what you posted.

chantc said...

I quote from the URL you have posted:

2011-03-21 15:33: 30 micro-roentgens/h (~30 cpm). 0.301 micro-sieverts/h. Location: Kita-ku, Tokyo. Weather: light rain, north easterly wind. Normal.

I am not sure where did you see its 10x more than what I've posted.

Anonymous said...

Your original post says "... for Tokyo was 0.025 microsieverts per hour..."
Isn't 0.301 approx 10x more than 0.025?
By comparison, Singapore's 0.08 to 0.10 is smaller than 0.301.
So the Tokyo levels are still higher.

chantc said...

Thanks for pointing it out. Had a long day so I missed out the extra 0.

0.047 microsieverts was on 18 Mar, measured in Shinjuku. This number was widely reported.

The URL that you have posted seems to take readings that is away from central Tokyo I believe.

Based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the latest average is 0.137 microsieverts, as of 21 Mar between 9 to 10pm.

Anonymous said...

Don't mention it. Yeah, I know, life in S'pore is tough. Have a good rest.
You're probably right: the Met Japan website could report the readings for Greater Tokyo.
Incidentally, I was in Tokyo in mid-Feb and stayed at Shinjuku, good to hear the area is doing well. Hope they pull through this one alright.

Anonymous said...

Its not just atmospheric radiation, yes thats low, but its the fallout from rain, wind blowing into the populated areas in Tokyo and accumilating in the ground. There are some suprising findings on utube and also on Check out the radioactive deckchairs!

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