Friday, October 30, 2009

SE W595 crashed and revived

Darn it. First time my handphone crashed on me. Few weeks back, I was looking for a particular SMS when I realised that I have a whole Inbox full of "Corrupted" messages. That's right. The word "Corrupted" is there in place of the SMS sender's name. Went into the games/applications folder and everything was gone. My contacts were also all gone and when I restarted my handphone, it asked me to re-import the contacts from my SIM card.

What triggered it? I got absolutely no idea. Since I have flashed the SE W595 firmware previously (refer to the post here), I decided to try it again to see if I can "re-install" my handphone. It prompted me if I wish to re-install the firmware so I crossed my fingers and clicked on the "Re-install" button.

Luckily, everything went back to normal. I still have no idea what crashed it since the night before, I was only playing the Guitar game before I switched off the handphone. Can that game cause the handphone to crash??

Stupid SE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get the iPhone lah...

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