Wednesday, June 24, 2009

High Risk Group for H1N1

Read about a list of concerns that would place a person into a high risk group for H1N1. The list seems to be quite varied. There are 3 broad categories of concern:
  1. Age:
    - Very young children
    - Elderly

  2. Medical concerns
    - Pregnant women
    - Asthma
    - Chronic lung disease
    - Heart disease
    - Liver disease
    - Renal disease
    - Major underlying medical problems

  3. Immuno-compromised patients
    - Chemotherapy
    - Radiotherapy
    - Medication for long-term steroids

Just practice good hygiene and everything should be fine. We've survived SARS.


kelly said...

H1N1 Vaccine Manufacturers' product warning/precaution insert (inert leaflet) says DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO EGGS, NUTS.... Also not for immunocompromised people (people with chronic diseases like asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart and kidney ailments, eczema and psoriacis, etc).

Have you gotten the DRIFT? Medical authorities are encouraging HIGH-RISK people (immunocompromised people) to get the shots!

chantc said...

Where did you get this information from? According to the WHO site, the vaccines are as safe as seasonal influenza vaccines and there are no known harmful effects

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