Saturday, September 6, 2008

Force shutdown your iPhone

The only time I had to force shutdown my iPhone 3G was when I was running a newly installed application from AppStore. It just crashes the whole iPhone. That was when I started searching around for a way to force shutdown the iPhone 3G.

To force shutdown the iPhone 3G, just press down the power button first, followed by the home button. Hold the 2 buttons down until your screen changes.

That's it... A simple, but undocumented solution. Oh well. So far my iPhone has crashed in a few ways and this worked all the time.


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much!
My iPhone 1G crasched a hour ago and I couldn't restart it. But your method worked perfect! :)

Xenonyte said...

thank you, my Iphone wouldn't let me type anything. So i couldnt get passed the Pass Code. Now i can access it.. and not wait for the battery to die. THanks alot

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, man!

Anonymous said...

Great solution, thanks for posting it!

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting. my iphone can neither shut down nor go back to the main page.after trying your method my iphone is okay. thanks.

Anonymous said...

thanks mate.. I had a black screen, couldnt do anything.. it worked!!

Justin said...

Thank you very much. I was trying the power/home buttons at the same time as your site came up and that may have worked too. I might have also pushed one first... who knows. Anyway, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your tip, My iPhone 3G, hangs so much when I activate PassCode for Key lock.

chantc said...

That is weird. My iPhone rarely hangs.

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot man, u save my life:)

Unknown said...

You're a life saver!

chefarzt said...

Thanks - great thing, never heard of it before!

Anonymous said...

Hey U are angel , works gr8 , my iphone crashed for about 1 hour , blocked screen and ur way worked Gr8 . ty very much

Anonymous said...

My phone got stuck ringing and couldnt stop...-.- I couldnt do anything at all since the screen was frozen but your shutdown trick helped it out, thank you very much! :D

Anonymous said...

I was trying all kinds of things to force shut down my iphone after it froze. This worked perfectly!

Anonymous said...

thnx! i think that my iPhone never shutted down without you'r info ;) thnx!

leo Holland said...

thanks a lot man.
i thought i was gonna lose all my info.
you realy helped me out.
thnx again!!!!

Anonymous said...

fantastic help, nice one!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot! It helped!

Anonymous said...

what if my hold button doesnt work anymore?

chantc said...

If your hold button does not work, I'm afraid that I have no other suggestions for you to force shutdown your iPhone.

Aren't you quite crippled if your hold button doesn't work? Can't get it fixed?

Anonymous said...

My phone hanged twice today, whatever i do, cant shut it off... For normal phones, i would have just rip off the battery and slot it in again. Super frustrated. Thanks for your post, I am gonna try this (touch wood) in case it hangs again...

chantc said...

Usually the apps are the guilty culprits that managed to cause the iPhone to crash.

These steps have worked so far for me.

Unknown said...

Thank you You saved my life:))))

Christian Rugholm said...

Thank you so much, worked perfectly!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I was about to do it my husband's way (hitting it against the wall until it works for a second then completely breaks).

Anonymous said...

Tnx for the solution!

Anonymous said...

Thankx you for this great tutorial !

Anonymous said...

Great help and would still be stuck without you. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! Thank you for sharing this :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having this tip in an easy to find place. this whas exactly what I needed to get my phone working again.

enhkush said...

thanks alot... :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a LOT

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much

Anonymous said...

thank's a lot dude

Anonymous said...

thank you so much... u r a life saver.... i was too woried dat i will never n able to get my iphone back..... :))) u r amazing

Anna said...

thank you!!

עידו דורון said...

This was really useful. It Worked!

עידו דורון said...

This was useful. Thanks it worked!

JEL said...

Thank you :)

Heather said...

Thanks! My phone had the apple and a bunch of programming text showing and was totally frozen! It's all better now! said...


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