Sunday, August 24, 2008

Singtel iPhone 3G reception

Updated 25 Aug 2008: EDGE phone reception

I have been testing the Singtel iPhone 3G over the weekend. First the good news. Singtel 3G network is quite well covered in Singapore. It just happens that over this weekend, I've visited the North, South, East, West and Central areas. Not that I've been to every corner but I would think the sample size its big enough to determine the 3G coverage.

Generally, as indicated in my previous post, if you're in the open areas, you would have almost full 3G signal strength. In mature estates (central area), the 3G signal is also relatively okay (at least 2 bars). Even in places as far as Changi, there is still limited 3G signal coverage.

In shopping malls around Orchard area, the 3G signal is also relatively strong. I've tested going to the basement corners and I was still able to get about 2 bars of 3G signal.

I've also tested making phone calls with only 1 bar of 3G signal strength. Surprisingly, there isn't any problems with that. The call could still connect through. If the 3G signal strength is not strong enough, it will downgrade itself to EDGE. If there's no EDGE, it'll downgrade itself to a normal reception signal.

Now, the not so good news. In outlying areas like Changi and most housing estates, 3G signals are hard to come by. Most of the time, you would be downgraded to EDGE. EDGE signal is still relatively okay for surfing. Just a little slow. If it downgrades to a normal reception signal, you will not be able to surf at all. So far, I've only encountered that inside someone's house.

The underground MRT stations were also another problem. It seems that along the stretch where it goes underground, there's no or little 3G signal. Most of the time, I was on EDGE. Around the Dohby Ghaut interchange area, there was no 3G signal at all. I've not tested the NEL yet, but seems like it's quite safe to assume that there's no 3G signal underground.

The other problem is that when its on EDGE or lower, the battery indicator to me seems to be draining faster. I reasoned that it should be because the iPhone was constantly scanning for a 3G signal to latch on instead of relying on EDGE signal.

The main thing that I do not like about the Singtel iPhone 3G is the talk volume reception. When I'm on EDGE signal, and I make a phone call to someone, my voice becomes super soft! The other party could hardly hear me talking. However, when I'm on 3G, I have no such problems at all. I hope this will be fixed soon. It defeats the purpose of me switching off my 3G if the other party could not even hear me talking at all on EDGE. The iPhone is after all still a phone. It seems that the EDGE talk volume (reception) is okay, based on my most recent test today. That would only lead me to 3 conclusions:
  • The Mic for the iPhone is dependent on the ringer volume that you have set. Currently my ringer volume is set to Max, as compared to medium over the weekend.

  • It depends on the cell stations itself. It might be that the cell station in certain areas have problems.

  • I did not force the EDGE setting in the iPhone by setting the NO 3G option in the settings. I was using EDGE because I had no 3G signal in that area. There is a rare possibility that it might affect the volume, although its quite unlikely.
I will continue monitoring it for a week first.

All in all, I think one can survive with the iPhone 3G in Singapore without much problems.

1 comment:

Rhinestic said...

I can survive with a normal hdph.. =P

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