Tuesday, June 10, 2008

WWDC 2008 Keynote

Updated 21 Jun 2008: Photos

This is the first time I've been to a conference where the line has already snaked down half a block outside a full 3 hours before the actual conference starts. I guess only Apple can do it...

Just had my lunch (smoked ham is okay), and my colleagues are "missing in action". Not sure which corner they have gone to. :) Anyway, as I was saying, I started queuing at 7am. Got into Moscone centre (San Francisco) at about 8+am. After which I got into the main auditorium at about 9.45am. Will post the photos here once I get back. The tickets for WWDC 2008 are sold out this year!

Here are the photos of my journey to the keynote:

Moscone West, where the conference is held

7.38am, at the first floor

8.03am, at the second floor(front)

8.05am, at the second floor(back)

9.00am, walking towards the third floor

9.58am, waiting for the keynote

Tickets sold out!! 5,200 developers

12.00pm, after-math of keynote

Entrance of Moscone West

Theme of this year's keynote. iPhone. Everything is about the new iPhone. Official launch date is July 11, but I did not see Singapore in the list of countries shown. Seems like they are launching simultaneously across 25 countries. In Singapore, so far only Singtel will be having it.

What do I think of iPhone? I think its going to really change the way we use the phone. First of all, its going to be very cheap. USD199 for the 8GB iPhone. USD299 for the 16GB. That's very cheap.

The new iPhone also has the much awaited 3G. The speed was compared to a Treo 750 and a N95, and it seems to be slightly faster.

For those who uses the push technology for Exchange, the 3G iPhone now supports the push technology. Push email, push calendar, everything... And it works not only on the Mac, but also on the PC.

GPS technology will also be in the new iPhone. Seems like it integrates with Google Maps. No more getting lost?? :p

They have many other new features. Too many to list down. However, the main gist is that it is easy to program on the iPhone. They demoed many programmes written for the iPhone, and that includes games. All these will be sold in the Apple app store when it launches. iPhone is also enterprise ready with its integration to Exchange.

You can get more information at Apple website here.

I think I ate too much Anyway, will walk around and see if I see any familiar faces. :)

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