Saturday, February 2, 2008

Evidence of Climate Change Is Here!

For the past year, many of the "major powers" said that climate change is a myth, in particular one "big power" in Asia. I have no idea why countries must be reactive, and not proactive in policies. The evidence is here right now. Snow storms in places where sometimes you do not even see snow, weird weather patterns, introduction of new diseases, etc. The evidence must run smack into their faces before they recognise it. What the ... ... ... Don't say is El Nino, or La Nina. Don't tell me the past decade, there are no instances of El Nino, or La Nina. The evidence now of climate change is a definite proof!

I do not know if it is politics, self-preservation or fear of change, but focusing on green technology does not derail economic growth. What that will derail economic growth is
  1. Fear of Change
  2. Lack of innovation
  3. Lack of foresight

Introduction of new technology in fact addresses point 2 and 3 positively. However, most look at point 1 and refuse to move. Who says that being green will shave off economic growth?? It is the stubbornness of refusing to adapt that will shave off economic growth. Introducing a new technology leads to innovation on the existing technology, and innovation is where growth will be explosive! Look at Google, look at Apple. Innovation at work...

Incorporating these technologies might take time and money, but this will weed out weak companies, and the stronger ones will emerge even stronger!

It's no use being a millionaire, or even a billionaire, when you're stuck in a city with all power, communications and transportation link cut off!


Rhinestic said...

Going green by us normal pple ALONE is not enough to veer back our change in climate (or freak weathers..?)! Governments and Big Corps need to work together too to reduce deforestation, chemical pollution, air pollution etc etc. (Actually, I'm more worried about the chemicals that are poisoning our eco-system.. And our climate change is more complex than we thought..)

Then again, perhaps it's time for Nature to keep balance in check and some living things just need to go.. Cause and effect to keep balance... O.o''

chantc said...

Not really true. If normal people go green, businesses and government naturally will follow. That is because majority wins. Government is there due to the support of the people.

If everyone is truly green, they will stage some form of protest against in-discriminate pollution. They will also be more demanding towards the businesses and government on green technologies.

I still feel that education is the key.

Rhinestic said...

But don't forget that climate is a very complex system. What we've done is causing chain reactions in the climate.

It's very confusing and we don't know what agenda some of the scientists and researchers have behind their backs. Some pple got the conclusion that deforestation contributes a LARGE part to climate change as compared to change in CO2 levels due to industrialization. Then there are research papers saying that it is in fact the abundance of certain plants that are increasing the levels of CO2... Then there are a bunch of idiots saying cows are the ones releasing lots of green house gases (due to farting.. LOL)... etc etc etc...

When u say we go green, may i noe what kind of green? When we use green energy, we still need to manufacture the parts. Solar panels are made of lots of different parts... How are these parts made of? Each country requires how much of these panels? etc etc...

Let's go back to being primitive! (Aye, my fave word)

Also, please dun forget the tonnes of toxic rubbish that are dumped into our water sources.. hence poisoning our food...

Things are not as simple as it sounds.

chantc said...

Day to day living all requires consumption of resource, whether directly or indirectly.

Being green to me also means buying because I need it, not because I want it.

First is to arrest the exploitation of resources. After that, its optimization of present resources. Solar energy itself is just a means to optimizing resources.

Why solar energy is much touted is because it's self sufficient. You build a coal-power plant, you'll still need coal, logistics expenses for day to day operation. All these add up, not to mention that coal is super pollutive. Solar can run by itself.

Rhinestic said...

actualli in singapore, if u bathe during the day, can save more energy... coz no need heater... no need solar panel either... hahaha... but haiz... by the time most pple go back home, already night le... water much colder..

Rhinestic said...

ANyway, I still am more concerned abt chemical pollution. and even the meddling of genes on the micro level...

Rhinestic said...

my chemical pollution includes all forms of water pollution, air pollution and land pollution which could affect water and food sources, making the ecosystem imbalance etc.

chantc said...

It's all one big circle. All these pollution usually comes from factories that are not green friendly.

Giving an example of a hydrogen car. It's output is water. Just dreaming... Let's say you have a factory that runs on hydrogen. Then output is water. The water can be used to generate electricity which will sustain the factory's manufacturing.

Every resource is optimized, with no "wastage". However, I think we're still quite some way of producing that. Nevertheless, someone must try.

If all the governments in the world look at things in short-term, like this so and so technology is expensive, etc, then we'll never have innovation.

Example? Singapore. Nobel prize?? Like real. Ask them to spend money on things other than their own salary, they make so much noise. No long term view.

Some things, if left to the market, will never take off.

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