Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Updated 13 Feb 2008:
  1. 之前,大家说 ”恭喜发财, 万事如意“
  2. 生鱼片,说 “年年有余, 有鱼有利“
  3. 檸檬汁, 说 “大吉大利”
  4. 花生及芝麻,说 “万事如意”
  5. 油,说 “顺顺利利”
  6. 辣椒粉及肉桂粉,说 “鸿运当头”
  7. 梅子醬,说 “甜甜蜜蜜”
  8. 脆餅,说 “偏地黄金”
  9. 最后, 一捞风生水起,二捞步步高升,三捞生意兴隆


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting it up.. been looking for this...

chantc said...

Different people seems to say different things though. But this is in general what I heard. :D

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