Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Potpourri on Strings

Updated 19 Feb 2008: Snippets of the concert
Updated 1 Mar 2008: More snippets of the concert

NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS) and Expose!

13 Jan 08, Sun, 3pm,
Concert Hall (Free)

Esplanade Presents

Have a Beautiful Sunday with soothing guitar music! Hailing from the National University of Singapore, the guitar ensembles Expose! and GENUS are proud to present a diverse repertoire accessible to all.

From J. Barnes’ lovely Impressions of Japan, to Joe Hisashi’s (film score composer for Spirited Away) inspiring Anime Medley, Tinsagunu Hana, Lecuona’s sensual Malaguena, Piazolla’s spirited Michelangelo 70, J. Garland’s In the Mood, and entertaining music from animated feature, The Prince of Eygpt, Expose! and GENUS promise an enjoyable afternoon of music and an unforgettable experience.

Founded in 1981 by Alex Abisheganaden, the NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS) is a 50-member strong ensemble comprising undergraduates and alumni. GENUS is the region's first Niibori guitar ensemble and the pioneer group in Singapore to use Niibori guitars. GENUS won first prize (ensemble) at the Singapore Guitar Festival and was fourth in the 2nd International Festival and Competition for Guitar Orchestra in Rheine, Germany. Formed in 2005, Expose! is a guitar ensemble mainly made up of alumni members from GENUS.

(60mins, no intermission)

Link to Esplanade

Snippets of the concert:

Anime Medley

Prince of Egypt


Michaelangelo 70

Tinsagunu no hana

1 comment:

chantc said...

It does seem that the audience tends to like popular pieces or unique pieces like Anime Medley, Tinsagunu no hana, Prince of Egypt and In the Mood.

I guess its always such a case. Very often the player's favourite song is not the audience's favorite. Or is it due to the immaturity of the Singapore audience with regards to classical music?


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