Thursday, August 16, 2007

Who is more corrupt?

On my trip to Jakarta, someone remarked this statement which I cannot think of an easy answer. Who is more corrupt? The person receiving the money? Or the person giving the money?

Very often we only think about the people receiving the money. How about the person who's giving? I never thought about it. Shows that I need to learn to look more at 2 sides of the story.


Rhinestic said...

hahahha.. the MINDS of both are corrupted...

chantc said...

It's not a trick question, and it's something that never struck me. Makes me wonder whether have our minds been "programmed" by our education such that we never look at 2 sides of the coin.

Rhinestic said...

i was answering seriously lar..

chantc said...

Ok. But still... We must learn to re-program our brains to think differently.

Another reason why I don't like to study. Too "dead".

Rhinestic said...

trying to.. *re-program* but i thot i already quite ling4 lei4 in a sense... hahahahhahahahaa.... *roar*

chantc said...

You ah... Already ling4 lei4 le. ling4 lei4 and looking at 2 sides of the story a little different leh.

What's the roar for?? :D

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