Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2FA is a much better security mechanism

I do not understand why the security guys have an obsession with super long passwords that make no sense at all. If you're looking at it from the technical point of view, it makes sense as such super long passwords will delay the hackers from cracking the passwords. The key word is delay.

The better solution would be to use 2 factor authentication. The 2nd factor authentication is usually a random number that a person receive through a device or through SMS. This randomness in the user authentication is a far better security option that creating long passwords with those weird requirements such as a Capital letter, numbers, etc.

We all know how users remember those super long hard to remember passwords. Which one is a bigger security threat?


Anonymous said...

Do u know of any out-of-the-box 2FA solutions to incorporate 2FA for Windows login?

chantc said...

I have not personally used any 2FA for Windows Login but I understand that Verisign has such a product.

I did a quick search and found this forum:

You might find it useful.

TeleSign Matt said...

The need for stronger authentication procedures using 2FA is increasingly on the minds of corporate IT departments. I've been working with a company called TeleSign ( who has been providing affordable solutions to a variety of business verticals. Please feel free to check them out.


TeleSign Matt

dodo said...

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